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关于 Inspire!Education
Inspire! Education 的团队汇聚了中国最顶尖的升学顾问,创意文书专家,前招生官,面试官以及英文写作教学专家,同时我们还拥有丰富的课外活动,实习,和独立学术研究的资源。这里为您的孩子提供了中国最完备的美国大学升学申请方案,我们也非常期待能和您一起陪伴孩子们走过人生中最重要的一个阶段。
Inspire!Education is an innovative, educational social enterprise which aims to inspire, ignite and mentor students in ways that create and foster sustainable social impact, in tandem with their application to American colleges and universities.
Inspire! Education’s Mission, Vision and Core Values
Inspire students to achieve optimal intellectual and personal growth while maximizing their chances of admission to their dream schools.
Cultivate outstanding students as well as leaders and change-makers for the 21st century.
Core Value:
Devoted to excellence in everything we do
Conscientious and detail-oriented
Committed to personal growth and development
Creative, bold, and innovative
Inspire!Education的创始人白立珩女士于哥伦比亚大学教育学院取得了教育学硕士,也是国内少数受训于哈佛大学暑期大学升学指导学院的独立升学顾问。国内较早从事美国大学升学指导的资深人士, 首屈一指的独立教育顾问和教育专栏作家。率先在国内发起JustWrite高中生英文创意写作项目和美国女子文理学院论坛。
发表过上万字剖析国内留学机构天价服务的文章并被多家媒体竞相转载,浏览量达到数十万人次。经常就美国大学申请的热点问题为《外滩教育》,《文汇报》等主流教育媒体撰写时评。担任过上海外语频道《说东道西》节目嘉宾。曾联手曼荷莲女校招生官在清华附中主办的 《中国诚信联盟》 会议上,给来自全国各地的校内大学升学顾问和美国大学招生官做过 “解密中国学生” 的讲座。在最新出版的女性职业规划书籍《Undeterred: The Six Success Habits of Women in Emerging Economies》 (《不屈不挠:崛起经济中女性的六个成功习惯》)中分享职业成长经历。
Tony Yao 明星英文阅读和写作老师。来自德州达拉斯,毕业于德州顶尖高中St. Marks School, 2006年毕业于乔治城大学,主修金融和国际商业。毕业后曾加入旧金山德意志银行投资银行部,也曾就职于私募基金。2009年开始在大学教授英文,并开始研发适合中国学生迅速提升阅读和写作能力的课程,至今Tony已经辅导了上百名学生,这些学生在英文的基础能力,和应试能力方面取得了优异的成绩。Tony 从过去成功的教育案例中提炼出了一套全新的教学模式,采用美国顶尖高中与顶尖大学的授课模式和课堂模式,注重批判性阅读和思维能力,以及书面写作能力的培养。为了能够让更多的学生受益,2011年他成立了藤智教育,从常春藤大学中精心挑选出符合精英教育理念,并有着丰富辅导经验的学生作为辅导顾问,利用1对1网络课程,在极具启发性及互动性的课堂模式下,引导孩子培养并掌握批判性思维与文学鉴赏能力,根据孩子自身学习能力制定学习进度。藤智教育目前有四十多位有着常春藤教育背景的导师。Tony同时将负责Inspire! Education的创意和学术写作, 阅读俱乐部及AP文学和写作的课程设置与教学。他也会亲自辅导对商科和金融专业感兴趣学生的大学申请,以及学生在大学期间的实习和就业辅导,特别是金融和投资银行业。
Inspire! 上海办公室总经理&管理合伙人
Gian在芝加哥长大,并且以优异成绩(Distinction)毕业于美国西北大学,获得学士学位。后获得美国哈佛大学教育学院硕士学位。在西北大学就读期间,Gian曾担任芝加哥一家非营利组织的社区组织者,完成了一篇关于城市农业和旧城区改造的荣誉论文。 在哈佛就读期间,Gian曾担任哈佛大学人类发展学和心理学大使,参与了发展心理学、国际发展学等科研项目的研究。 他曾在哈佛大学人文和自然科学研究生学院招生办实习,协助教授开展社会学和自然科学等部门的招生和录取工作。
通过详细的学生和家长问卷调查和对学生进行性格及职业倾向测试, 深入了解学生成长背景,对学生学术能力进行综合评估, 针对学生特点、特长和天赋, 为学生量身定制最佳的申请策略和方案,使学生在众多申请者中脱颖而出。
为学生制定申请被延期录取(defer)或列入等候名单(waitlist)后的应对策略。Ms.Bai 自创360°选校服务
选校之前‘认知自我’的五大测试:Holland Code性格,专业和职业测试
Mayers Briggs 性格测试
大学选校价值测试通过上百个维度的测试,360°全方位了解学生以后,根据学生成绩、性格、特长、兴趣和未来职业规划等因素综合制定学校名单,初步大学名单提供大约25所左右。之后为学生提供选校书籍和多项选校资源并且指导学生调研学校的方法,在学生亲自完成调研以后,经过讨论将选校范围缩小至15所大学,包括保底safety, 匹配match, 冲刺reach三档学校。最后根据学生已有成绩和综合条件,提供各个学校的申请和录取难度分析。
合理安排托福,SAT, SATII, AP考试; 包括SATII, AP考试科目推荐和考试时间。
1. 专业性,经验和教育界人脉:Inspire!Education创始人白老师是哥伦比亚大学教育学院硕士毕业,科班出身接受了专业的教育学训练。她的很多哥大教育学院的校友都在美国大学和顶尖寄宿高中担任招生办主任和学校管理的要职。09年从业之后,除了哈佛大学的升学指导培训,她还参加过很多大大小小的专业培训,每年去美国参观大约20所大学,参加升学年会,与很多大学的国际地区招生官建立了良好的信任关系,也是少数在海外大学升学年会发言的中国独立顾问;今年暑期Ms.Bai将再一次联合两位升学顾问和顶尖文理学院卫斯理安大学的招生官就中国招生的议题发言。对美国大学的全面了解,与招生官的深入沟通,让Ms.Bai在选校方面可以帮助学生精准定位,从而判断录取几率。
Ms.Bai 自创360°精准选校方案让学生在早申请阶段提高命中率。2015-2016申请季,我们50%的同学在早申请阶段被录取,很多同学对录取结果颇感意外,家长更是对我们的服务称赞不绝。大型留学机构的学生人数是我们的十倍,二十倍,但是早申请的平均录取率并不高,所以家长不仅需要看学生录取学校的数量和结果,还要看机构学生总人数和录取顶尖学校人数的比例。
Holland Code性格,专业和职业测试
Myers Briggs 性格测试
通过上百个维度的测试,360°全方位了解学生以后,根据学生成绩、性格、特长,兴趣和未来职业规划等因素综合制定学校名单,初步名单控制在30所左右。之后为学生提供选校书籍与资源,并且指导学生调研学校的方法,在学生亲自完成调研以后,经过讨论将选校范围缩小至18-20所大学,包括保底safety, 匹配match, 冲刺reach三档学校。最后根据学生已有成绩和综合条件,提供各个学校的申请和录取难度分析。
5.由名校前招生官组成的“前招生官录取终审委员会”为学生的申请做最终审阅,Inspire!Education也拥有丰富的前招生官的资源,比如普林斯顿大学,西北大学,达特茅斯学院,威廉姆斯学院,斯沃斯莫尔学院和曼荷莲学院。前招生官录取终审委员会的顾问将全面细致地评估学生大学申请的所有材料,包括通用申请(Common Application)、成绩单、简历和申请文书。审阅之后,他们会以内行的视角给予学生客观的意见并且提出极具针对性的改进建议。这可以帮助学生更好地评估自我和把握提高录取概率的有利因素,有效的提高申请成功机率。
6.对每个学生的关注度和团队稳定性:控制学生数量。我们的师生比例在1:10左右,应该是业界最低了。我们严格挑选学生,为每位学生提供充分的资源和互动时间。我们的辅导方式更像是文理学院,老师辅导的学生少了,才能给每个学生更多的个性化指导。我们不是仅仅挑选 “牛娃”来辅导,而是发现每个平凡孩子的不凡之处和独特的闪光点。团队的稳定性:过去的一年出现了很多机构瓦解和重组的消息,最终受到影响的是学生,我们知道有学生家长花了几十万顾问费,却不得不接受机构三次调换顾问的安排。有些大型机构可能有一两个明星顾问,但是给每个孩子的时间又有多少?可能主要工作还是年轻顾问接手。作为独立顾问,Ms.Bai全程参与和跟踪学生的规划和申请,避免机构分段式服务,也不会出现大型机构经常因为顾问离职而影响孩子规划和申请的情况。
Congratulations to our students!
Everyone matters to us!
We are proud of you all!
Everyone matters to us!
We are proud of you all!
Careers at Inspire!
Passion to Inspire!
Who we are:
Inspire!Education is an innovative, educational social enterprise which aims to inspire, ignite and mentor students in ways that create and foster sustainable social impact, in tandem with their application to American colleges and universities.
With offices in Shanghai, China, we are committed to delivering mentorship programs for students, which enables them to contemplate and pursue their individual interests and aspirations, cultivates their faculties for keen observation and critical analysis, fosters maturity and their sense of independence, and allow for transparency into the application process for American college and universities.
Following a rigorous screening and selection process, we find students whose own philosophy and eagerness to excel are aligned with the core principles of our program. Through a meticulously designed curriculum and a wealth of activities, both internal and of partnering institutions, we provide the resources, knowledge, and guidance for scholastic achievement, successful admissions, and a lifelong capacity for accomplishment.
Inspire!Education was founded by Ms.Liheng Bai, a graduate of Teachers College, Columbia University. An IACAC member, she has deep knowledge in Chinese education and college counseling. Inspire!Education’s team also includes graduates from Dartmouth College and Georgetown University.
Associate counselor/mentor
Join our team!
Are you…
… passionate? … a dreamer? … someone with a story to share, longing to contribute, and a desire to help others discover their dreams, their drive, and their direction?
… looking for a job that combines the entrepreneurial atmosphere of a young firm with the potential for personal and professional growth amidst well-seasoned colleagues?
… fearlessly responsible? … able to collaborate, communicate, as well as take charge?
… willing to engage in challenging work with flexible hours, a competitive compensation package, and invaluable insight and experience into the education industry?
… fluent in spoken and written English and hold a bachelor’s degree or above?
Can you…
… Assist with marketing and sales campaigns to establish our corporate image, maintain an upstanding and positive reputation, and promote recruitment and outreach.
… Meet bimonthly with students to brainstorm ideas for college essays, discuss writing approach and techniques, and go over previously completed drafts?
… Review application material and provide constructive feedback on areas in need of revision— whether for content, clarity, or mechanical errors?
… Manage student progress through weekly updates of tracking report and by addressing any concerns or questions that may arise with senior counselors?
… Ensure completion of application materials in an efficient and timely manner?
Salary and benefits:
Salary is commensurate with experience;plus paid vacation days.
Inspire!Education counselors also enjoy a range of benefits including subsidized health care, fun team building activities and outings. For applicants based in the US, we will assist with finding housing in Shanghai. We will also arrange and compensate for your Chinese visa and international travel.
Bachelor's degree or Masters from a selective US university/college
Excellent in creative writing and academic writing
Self-motivated and responsible
Able to manage deadlines during application season
Passionate about education and mentoring high school students
Previous experience in education or counseling, but not required
Want to learn more about Inspire!Education and apply?
If interested, please send cover letter, resume and two references to careers@inspirevip.com
We look forward to hearing from you!
用一句话描述Ms. Bai
热帖扒 | 留学圈最强爆料贴? 《揭秘国内高端留学:30万人民币进哈耶鲁?》
近日,一篇关于揭露留学中介乱象的文章《揭秘国内高端留学:30万人民币进哈耶鲁?》引起家长及中介等业内人士的关注和讨论,那么,目前留学市场的现状到底如何?和文中所述的情况是否有出入?外滩君直接对话爆料贴作者Ms Bai,并广泛求证于各层级中的留学行业专家,为家长解惑,将留学这件事“扒”个清楚。
How Liheng Bai is Reshaping the College Counseling Industry in China
Right now in China, many high school students applying for college tend to focus on the prestige of the school instead of a good fit. But Liheng Bai is changing this trend and instead, matching students’ personalities with the right university culture.
Inspire! Scholar Program
Purpose of the program:
Inspire! Scholar is a virtual college advising program created to provide high achieving yet underprivileged students with the support they need to maximize their chances of admission to the best U.S. universities.
Through this program, you will be guided by US university admissions experts who can help you strategize your application so you will stand out in today’s increasingly competitive applicant pools. We recognize that many high-achieving Asian students present similar profiles thus making it harder for them to gain admission. Implementing our unique methodology, we will highlight your differentiating features and help you crack the code of selective college admissions.
For over 10 years, Inspire! has refined our 11- steps methodology which has successfully helped dozens of students gain admission to Ivy League and other elite universities. It is a nationally renowned and trusted brand in the college admissions counseling circle.
Expert guidance provided by esteemed counselors with a proven track record of success: Admissions into Ivy League universities and other top-tier institutions. Our mentors are highly experienced and accomplished college counseling professionals who are dedicated to helping you overcome all the hurdles throughout the process.
Assistance with key areas of admissions including college list development, application strategy & direction, essay brainstorming and support, standardized test planning, and help with demystifying the admissions process and understanding application trends.
Who should apply?
- Consistently ranked among the top 5% of the graduating class
- Attends high school in the US
- Current junior, or rising senior
- Takes a highly rigorous course load
- Accomplished in academic and extracurricular pursuits
What we’re looking for:
- Transcript (unofficial is also ok!)
- A list of activities you’ve taken part in outside of the classroom. Any and all honors and accolades.
- A writing sample (about 500 words)
How to apply?
Please submit your application through here
We will reach out to schedule an interview once your application is received.
Our Background
Inspire! Education is an innovative educational institution which aims to inspire, ignite and mentor students to help them achieve greater self-awareness, social consciousness, and success in the college application process, all the while promoting sustainable social impact through their pursuits.
Founded in 2014 with offices in Shanghai, China and the United States, we are committed to delivering mentorship programs for students, which empower them to pursue their individual interests and aspirations, cultivate their faculties for keen observation and critical analysis, foster maturity and independent thinking, and gain a deeper understanding of the application process at American colleges and universities.
Following a rigorous screening and selection process, we find students whose values, record of excellence, and aspirations are aligned with the core principles of our program. Through a meticulously designed curriculum and a wealth of activities, we provide the resources, knowledge, and guidance to maximize scholastic achievement and college admissions success, thereby positioning students for excellence in college and beyond.
Counselor background
GianCarlo graduated from Northwestern University with an honors degree in Anthropology and a minor in Asian American Studies. At Northwestern, he was the recipient of the Herman J. DeFord Endowed Scholarship and completed several research projects, including psychology research at The Foley Center for the Study of Lives reading and coding thousands of self-narratives on redemption, as well as ethnographic research on religious converts in American universities. In addition, he was an avid hip-hop dance performer, organized events at The Field Museum for the indigenous peoples of New Zealand, did community service projects in Chicago’s Chinatown, and developed a postcolonial humanities curriculum for an education non-profit in West Africa. His thesis on racial/economic inequality and gentrification in Chicago’s Cabrini-Green neighborhood was approved for honors by the Committee on Undergraduate Academic Excellence.
After Northwestern, he continued his studies at Harvard, where he graduated with a master’s degree in educational psychology. He also received several graduate school admission offers, such as from Columbia, and merit scholarship offers from Stanford and Penn. At Harvard, he was an ambassador for the Human Development and Psychology (HDP) program and evaluated hundreds of applications for the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences as an admissions intern. He conducted research on China- US educational partnerships and also on human lifespan development from adolescence through adulthood, focusing on American youth.
After graduating from Harvard, Gian Carlo moved to Shanghai and has fallen in love with the city and also China ever since. During this period, he has helped over 200 Chinese high school students earn admission to top universities including Princeton, Columbia, Yale, Stanford, U Chicago, Penn, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Brown, Cornell, and many others.
GianCarlo has been well-known in the industry for helping students who do not have national or international level awards gain admission to top 10 universities every year. He has crafted a unique methodology for transforming skeptical admissions officers into advocates for students, by helping students depict their experiences with intellectual verve and make their personality come alive, thereby leaving a lasting impression on the admissions officers long after their applications are read. Trained by the world’s best scholars in education and psychology at Harvard, he has achieved a balance of promoting personal growth in students while also getting the best college application results.
Having grown up in Chicago, he is a voracious reader of non-fiction books on history, culture, politics, and psychology. He enjoys hiking, listening to audiobooks and podcasts, and applying body hacking tricks for optimal health.
Mike Hong
Mike was born in Hyde Park, Chicago, but spent his childhood in Seoul, Korea before moving to San Jose, California for middle school and beyond. He attended the nationally ranked high school, The Harker School with scholarship. When he first moved to California, however, the only English phrases he knew were: Hello, How are you? I’m fine, thank you. Nevertheless, he adjusted well to his new environment, both in and out of the classroom. He played as a fullback and nose guard for his school’s varsity football team, became the president of his school’s chess club, and earned the rank of Eagle Scout after years of community service and outdoor activities as a Boy Scout.
After high school, he attended the University of Chicago for his undergraduate degree, where he immersed himself in psychological research, working at two different labs. He studied the relationship between pressure and performance at one lab, and how different dimensions of social status affects impression formation at the other. After graduating with honors, Mike spent some time working in the US and S. Korea before moving to China to work as a college admissions consultant. Students wishing to study abroad found his experience to be very useful, and Mike found mentoring talented students and helping them discover and showcase the best aspects of themselves in application to be a deeply rewarding work.
Mike has worked with a wide range of students, from aspiring architects, artists, astrophysicists, businesswomen, engineers, and more gain admissions to some of the most prestigious universities in the world such as Columbia, University of Chicago, Stanford, Brown, JHU, Northwestern, Pratt Institute, among others, often with scholarship.
How will we support you?
Your partnership with your counselor will encompass 15- 20 hours of one-on-one support navigating the complex college admissions process. Your work together will take place on Zoom (or other video platform) and will likely include many email exchanges.
Over the course of your work, you will be focused on the following areas:
1. College List Development:
- Preliminary list of 15-20 schools
- Final list of 8-10 schools
2. The Common Application:
- Brainstorm, draft and revise the 650-word personal statement; the PS is the most important piece of your application. We will help you through many rounds of edits to craft a compelling personal image, which will showcase your unique personality, core values, and passion in an engaging and convincing manner.
- Refine the Activities List
- Brainstorm and revise the Additional Information/COVID optional prompts
3. Supplemental Responses:
- assistance with all supplemental essays as well as specialized advice for each school
4. Application strategy and positioning:
Every college looks for something different in an applicant and it can seem random and unpredictable to outsiders. With over 20 years of combined experience, we are able to provide insider information on what each institution is looking for and how you can distinguish yourself. Through strategic positioning, we will conduct a holistic analysis of your academic record, activity profile, school profile, college list, as well as strengths and weaknesses to best position you for success.
5. Recommendation letters and recommenders
We will advise students on which teachers to choose as recommenders by reviewing the student’s academic reports and transcripts, as well as helping students with recommendation questionnaires. We will also help students with the resume and other relevant materials that you will share with your recommendation letter writers.
联系 Inspire!Education
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